Floral Separator

How to Create a Cozy Reading Nook

the thrifty apartment

Floral Separator

Imagine yourself comfortably settled into a chair, a soft blanket draped over your lap, and a compelling book in hand.  This is the essence of a cozy reading nook. It is all about creating a space that brings you calm and joy.

Floral Separator

Step 1  Pick a Suitable Location It could be a cozy corner in your living room, a quiet space in your bedroom, an empty corner in your office, or even a small closet that's not being used.

Floral Separator

Step 2  Focus on the Vibe Think about the type of atmosphere you most associate with relaxation and the elements and colors that evoke a sense of calm and comfort.

Floral Separator

Step 3  Find the Perfect Chair

Floral Separator

Step 4 Add Wall Art

Floral Separator

Step 5 Make Space for Books

Floral Separator

Read the Blog  For More Tips

Floral Frame

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