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Coffee is a required beverage in my household. I am enamored by the taste and smell of coffee. It invigorates me and keeps me going all day. But as careful as I am, I, too, am guilty of spilling my morning cup of joe. And the truth is, we’ve all been there. It’s an inevitable occurrence.

While we are all prone to spilling our coffee, it becomes an annoyance when it gets spilled on your carpet. Spilling a fresh cup of coffee on your carpet can be a cause for alarm – but it doesn’t have to be. 

Whether it’s a small dribble or a full-blown coffee catastrophe, I’m sharing the best ways to remove coffee stains from your carpet so you can say goodbye to those unsightly brown marks for good. From basic household items to specialized stain removers, let’s get rid of those coffee stains once and for all. 

So, whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or just a victim of a clumsy moment, our guide will equip you with the confidence to handle any morning coffee stain emergency that comes your way.

coffee cup on carpet

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Best Ways to Remove Coffee Stains from Carpet

Method 1 – Vinegar and Dish Soap

Vinegar is a natural cleaning agent. It is safe, non-toxic, and chemical-free, making it the perfect cleaning solution for households that prefer a more organic cleaning approach. The vinegar solution will cut through some of the most stubborn stains and dirt.

On the other hand, it has a natural built-in degreaser that can cut through tough stains and caked-on gunk. This is especially great if the coffee stain has been sitting there for a while. Coffee contains tannins which can leave behind pigments on surfaces. These pigments can quickly penetrate the fibers and create a visible stain. Adding dish soap and vinegar is the perfect combination to remove this penetrated stain. 

vinegar with spray bottle

Here’s how it’s done:

Step 1 – Combine vinegar and a tablespoon of liquid dish soap in a cup of water. Briefly stir to create a mixture to clean the coffee stain. 

Step 2 – You can add the solution to a spray bottle and spray the affected area or use a clean cloth and apply the mixture directly to the coffee stain. Blot the coffee stain starting from the edges and make your way inward. Continue to blot the stain with the damp cloth and mixture until it fades. Try to switch to a clean section of the cloth as it becomes saturated with coffee.

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Method 2 – Laundry Detergent and Water

Using an enzyme-based laundry detergent to remove pesky coffee stains from the carpet is another effective way. Liquid detergent is ideal if you spill coffee comprised of creamer and sugar. 

Step 1 – Combine one capful of liquid laundry detergent and clean water in a cup or small bowl. Stir up the detergent solution with a spoon. 

Step – 2 – Use a clean white cloth and blot the enzyme cleaner on the coffee stain. Continue to do so until the stain is gone and no more coffee transfers onto the cloth. 

**When using this method, you must not rub or scrub the stain, as this can make the stain more difficult to remove.

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Shop Liquid Detergent

Method 3 – Hydrogen Peroxide + Dish Soap

You’ll be surprised to hear that the hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet has more uses than one. It is highly effective at removing stubborn coffee stains, red wine, and even blood. 

Similar to the vinegar method, you will apply a half cup of hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of dish soap mixed in a cup. Proceed to delicately dab the mixture onto the coffee stain, allowing the hydrogen peroxide to permeate and break down the coffee and its color.

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Method 4 – Commercial Stain Remover

If these homemade solutions aren’t quite doing the trick, you can use commercial carpet cleaners specifically formulated for coffee stains. A commercial cleaner is designed to target and break down the coffee pigments, making removing coffee from the stained area easier.

Here are a few products to consider:

Tips for Handling Coffee Stains

coffee in cup

Coffee stains on carpets can be stubborn and unsightly. The temperature of the coffee also plays a role in how difficult it is to remove the stain. Hot coffee can cause the fibers to absorb the pigments more rapidly, making the stain harder to remove. Additionally, the longer the coffee remains on the carpet, the more time it has to set and become a permanent mark.

When it comes to coffee stains, time is of the essence. Acting quickly can significantly increase your chances of successfully removing the stain. When you notice the spill, grab a fresh cloth or paper towel and gently blot the area to absorb as much coffee as possible. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, which can push the coffee deeper into the carpet fibers and worsen the stain.

If you are using a commercial cleaner, test out the cleaner on an inconspicuous area of the carpet before proceeding. The last thing you want to do is cause more damage to the carpet. 

How do you remove old coffee stains?

If the coffee stain has been sitting on your coffee for a while, you may have to employ an additional step to remove it.  If the coffee has already dried, moisten the area with a small amount of cold water to rehydrate the stain before blotting.

Removing as much of the coffee as possible before it settles is key. Once you do this, then you can employ any of the above methods. 

Are coffee stains in carpets permanent?

No, coffee stains can be removed with any of the above techniques. Spilling coffee on the carpet does not result in permanent stains.

It’s fair to say that accidents happen, and spilling a cup of coffee is a common mishap in many households. Even the most experienced coffee lover can cause a spill. While frustrating, removing coffee stains can be simple by using household items you may already have. 

So, the next time you face a coffee stain on your carpet, remain calm. Remember to act quickly, blot the stain, and use one of the above techniques to remove the stain from your carpet. 

spilled coffee cup on carpet

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I hope you have found these coffee stain removal tips helpful. Please comment below to let me know what you think of this article. Feel free also to follow me on my social media pages – Pinterest and Instagram or subscribe to my mailing list for other design inspiration, DIY projects, and home decor ideas.

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Tamara White is the creator and founder of The Thrifty Apartment, a home decor and DIY blog that focuses on affordable and budget-friendly home decorating ideas and projects. Tamara documents her home improvement journey, love of thrifting, tips for space optimization, and creating beautiful spaces.

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